Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Arrowverse reviews Part 2: The Birth of Mon-El - Supergirl S2

Just a few days ago, I thought that little Mon-El was insignificant - not worth dedicating 2 entire posts writing about for him, but after conducting research as well as binging on more episodes, I got inspired by the adventures of Mon-El, which was developing at a rapid pace and had the potential to become epic.

Season 2 of Supergirl started off with an escape pod from outer space that crashed into National City. Supergirl discovered a handsome man in the pod and brought him back to the DEO for observation. Turns out that he was known as Mon-El, former prince of the planet Daxam. As you may know, Daxamites and Krytonians were in loggerheads, and both planets were consequently decimated, hence Supergirl's initial apprehension of Mon-El. But Mon-El was good in nature and came in peace (though he could be quite a play-boy). In season 2, Mon-El was as portrayed as "weak", only having moderate superhuman strength. Why do I say this? Being an alien himself, he was supposed to be powerful, helping Supergirl fight crime; but he just led a normal human life doing nothing heroic. During the course of the season, he developed a romantic relationship with Supergirl.

An unfortunate twist of events started off with the invasion of National City, engineered by his tyrant Mother, the Queen of Daxam. Supergirl and the D.E.O could not cope with the onslaught of the Daxamites. Wait, I was confused, I thought Daxam was destroyed, and as a result, Mon-El had to be sent to an escape pod? Another question came into mind - Mon-El was in a pod, as an adult, at the same time as Superman. Why didn't he grow 34 years older? After some research, I found out that his pod was hovering in the Well of Stars, which ceased time just like the Phantom Zone.

Then there was a "good" Luthor, Lena Luthor, adopted sister of Lex Luthor, the nemesis of Superman. Lena Luthor knew a way to save Earth by exploiting the weakness of the Daxamites - a chemical element known as LEAD. Using Lex Luthor's device, she helped to "poison" National City atmosphere with Lead (Lex Luthor plan was to use Kryptonite instead, but it did not materialise). Doing so had driven all the Daxamites away from Earth, but that would also mean endangering the life of Mon-El. After a tearful farewell with Supergirl, Mon-El was in his repaired escape pod, venturing into the unknown space. Poor Supergirl, she was heartbroken to witness her lover leave her forever...

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