Friday, June 25, 2010

A feeling that was even better than scoring a last-second goal in the World Cup

It was a typical Tuesday when I met up with my '志同道合' buddy at Somerset MRT station. He was in Chinatown then and felt the urge to go out with me. We started off at 313 Somerset. WE decided to explore the shopping centre and found some nice eateries there, including the stall selling chicked cutlet. However, we went to Long John Silvers to eat lunch.

We were walking and talking on our way to Plaza Singapura, our next destination. I yawned, thinking that it was probably just another ordinary day. I hoped for something special to happen. Thankfully, my prayers were answered. My friend and I were in the Star Factory arcade, playing the Spot the Difference game. After a few inpressive rounds, my friend and I were about to lose the game when we were stuggling to find the last difference; when out of the blue, my friend clicked at the centre of the screen, feeling frustrated. To our absolute surprise, the area he clicked on was the missing difference. Still not convinced that it was a surprise huh.. I forgot to mention that.. At that instanteneous moment, the timer read 0 seconds!!!! That meant that, after 0.0000......1 (to the power of 99999...9) seconds --> (very very fast, in other words) , we would have lost the game. As a result, we had 0 points awarded, but managed to progress to the next stage.

Lastly, we went to Secret Recipe retaurant to satisfy our craving for cheese cake and milkshake. We played the Unblock Me game on my iphone and I got to say, my friend is very pro at playing the game. I was surprised how he grasped the winning strategies of the game so quickly. Time passed by like a speeding bullet and it was 5pm already. My friend and I then bid syonarra and I walked home feeling satisfied.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Old and not so dangerous already.. (movie outing part 3)

My friend and I were relieved that we were in the cinema just on time :).. The Hong Kong movie (Once a Gangster) commenced and my friend was smiling with excitement. He told me that there was a series of "Young and Dangerous" movies and he was a huge fan of all those. He recognised the person holding the chicken head and another person with the knife carved "人定胜天".

Ok, o the movie started off with a decent plot. A guy nicknamed '小鸡' first joined a gangster group when he was a teenager. He loved to cook chicken. As a result, many years went by and he had sufficient money to own a restaurant selling his finest chicken dishes. One fine, fine day, the leader of the gangsters wanted '小鸡' to be his successor. However, there was one huge problem. Another guy nicknamed '小刀' had just been released from prison and was supposed to be the successor instead. His mother was unhappy and went to confront the leader of the gangsters.

Thus after some bickering, both parties decided to resolve the matter by completing a mission to find an antique table leg. The leader had the leg but was super sway when he was conned by the other party's men. He was being stabbed and killed in such ridiculous fashion that my friend and I started to doubt what we perceived as 'a fantastic and epic sequel' to the earlier Yound and Dangerous movies.

There was another scene when it was ASSUMED that '小鸡' was being slaughtered by '小刀' into tiny bits. The actual scene could not be seen as it took place within a taxi and the camera was showing the outside. I gasped, thinking that the protagonist was dead and the movie was well over. However, there was a clever twist to the story. In fact, '小鸡' and '小刀' were buddies and known each other before '小刀' went to jail. The blood seen at the taxi windows was in fact, tomato juice. My friend was smiling in disbelief and I was enjoying the twist but in fact, we found the scene very, very lame and well.. ridiculous.

After the movie, my friend was shaking his head profusely. We may have enjoyed the twist/ surprise element in the movie, nevertheless, we were disappointed as the movie did not turn out as we had expected. But, at least we had a few laughs :)

My psychic buddy (movie outing part 2)

After going to Shaw House and Cineleisure without much luck, my friend and I resolved to go to Tiong Bahru Plaza to watch the 7.30pm movie (once a gangster). When we arrived at the shopping centre, I could tell that my friend was rather disappointed with the lack of amenities there, however, I reassured him that that the cinema theatre was wonderful. We couldn't do much there so we walked around in circles several times.

We then went to Long John Silver's restaurant to have our dinner. To make our outing more interesting, my friend decided to display his psychic prowess. He read my mind like a book and declared that I had a troubled past. I wanted to keep it confidential at first, but as I had nothing to lose, I explained to him about my horrendous experience during my Junior College days. Like a doting old(i meant wise :)) father, he advised me to forgive and forget, rather than to continue having this unneccessary ressentment in my mind. I felt reassured after that and thanked him from the bottom of my heart.

After a lengthy conversation, I checked my watch and realised that it was already around 7.15pm. We rushed to the cinema, without a clue of what to expect..

Friday, June 4, 2010

There was one night...(movie outing part 1)

Last Monday, my friend and I decided to go out to Plaza Singapura. We agreed to meet at 2.30pm, however I was slightly late cause of my eye appointment that started in the morning. My friend and I were starving so we decided to go to Burger King to have our lunch first.

Afterwards, we proceeded to the cinema on the top floor. My friend saw this cool banner of "Once a gangster(,always a gangster)" and got really excited. He told me how brilliant the movie "Young and Dangerous" was and hoped that the Once a Gangster movie will be just as nice. I agreed without hesitation. The problem was that afterwards, we realised that the next movie screening in PS was at around 9pm, which is far too long for us to wait. Thus, we thought of going elsewhere to watch instead.

We decided to go to Cathay cineplex to check out the movie timings. While we were trudging in the crowded streets in Orchard Road, my friend started humming our favourite army tune "There was one night..." I smiled but could not sing along as I forgot the lyrics. My friend soon taught me a few verses and then we sang the "One night" song in perfect melody, amidst the stares of curious people :)

This was the song that we sang:

There was one night..
There was no light..
There was no lightt..
So we used torchlight(lol)..
Under the clear moonlight..
I looked into her eyes..
And asked.. asked her to be my Valentine..

A pretty dark confession to make... may be taken down soon

 Oh my god, I have not written for almost 2.5 years. Mind blowing. At the point when I am writing this blog entry, I believe that I am defin...