Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Arrowverse review Part 3: The Legend of Mon-El and the Legion of Superheroes - Supergirl S3

Continuing from Part 2 and the conclusion of season 2, season 3 was not shown on Channel 5 TV, hence I got to watch the laggy episodes via web streaming, but I was not complaining. I also furnished my knowledge of DC comics via Youtube fan clips.

Oh yes, about Mon-El. We did not get to see him until episode 7. Kara Danvers, aka Supergirl, was shocked to discover an escape pod with an unconscious Mon-El and a beautiful lady named Imra Ardeen. When Mon-El awakened, he explained everything, revealing to be from the Thirty-First (!) Century.

During the time when his pod escaped Earth, he got sucked into the Phantom Zone. 1000 YEARS LATER, he was discovered by Imra Ardeen, who brought him back to her planet and cured him, making him immune to Lead. Many years later they got married and somehow landed on Earth. Kara Danvers, upon realising that Mon-El no longer had feelings for her, was crushed.

During the most recent episode 9 -  the midseason finale, before the ultimate 'demise' of Supergirl, both Mon-El and Imran revealed more juicy stuff. Turns out they were in a group known as " THE LEGION OF SUPERHEROES" and Mon-El was the leader.

Being curious, I carried out my extensive research on the topic "Legion of Superheroes". Being a superhero group in the 31ST CENTURY, they must have been very powerful. I first checked out who Imran was, turns out she was Saturn Girl. Saturn Girl was really popular in the comics. Other notable members included Brainiac 5, who would have a signficant impact in the later episodes, as well as Cosmic Boy & Lightning Lad. Lastly, I could not miss out on my inquisitiveness of Mon-El. From the information i gathered, he had the same abilities as SUPERMAN, albeit his weakness is lead instead of kryptonite, but he needed to consume a drug regularly to make him immune to lead.  I SIMPLY CANNOT WAIT TO WITNESS THE EVOLUTION OF MON-EL. Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised.

I feel that the legion were sent to Earth for a purpose - to assist Supergirl and avenge her defeat to the Worldkiller REIGN...

Conclusion is that I am loving the DC drama series, because the episodes get more and more engaging. Quite simply, it has the potential to be EPIC.

Arrowverse reviews Part 2: The Birth of Mon-El - Supergirl S2

Just a few days ago, I thought that little Mon-El was insignificant - not worth dedicating 2 entire posts writing about for him, but after conducting research as well as binging on more episodes, I got inspired by the adventures of Mon-El, which was developing at a rapid pace and had the potential to become epic.

Season 2 of Supergirl started off with an escape pod from outer space that crashed into National City. Supergirl discovered a handsome man in the pod and brought him back to the DEO for observation. Turns out that he was known as Mon-El, former prince of the planet Daxam. As you may know, Daxamites and Krytonians were in loggerheads, and both planets were consequently decimated, hence Supergirl's initial apprehension of Mon-El. But Mon-El was good in nature and came in peace (though he could be quite a play-boy). In season 2, Mon-El was as portrayed as "weak", only having moderate superhuman strength. Why do I say this? Being an alien himself, he was supposed to be powerful, helping Supergirl fight crime; but he just led a normal human life doing nothing heroic. During the course of the season, he developed a romantic relationship with Supergirl.

An unfortunate twist of events started off with the invasion of National City, engineered by his tyrant Mother, the Queen of Daxam. Supergirl and the D.E.O could not cope with the onslaught of the Daxamites. Wait, I was confused, I thought Daxam was destroyed, and as a result, Mon-El had to be sent to an escape pod? Another question came into mind - Mon-El was in a pod, as an adult, at the same time as Superman. Why didn't he grow 34 years older? After some research, I found out that his pod was hovering in the Well of Stars, which ceased time just like the Phantom Zone.

Then there was a "good" Luthor, Lena Luthor, adopted sister of Lex Luthor, the nemesis of Superman. Lena Luthor knew a way to save Earth by exploiting the weakness of the Daxamites - a chemical element known as LEAD. Using Lex Luthor's device, she helped to "poison" National City atmosphere with Lead (Lex Luthor plan was to use Kryptonite instead, but it did not materialise). Doing so had driven all the Daxamites away from Earth, but that would also mean endangering the life of Mon-El. After a tearful farewell with Supergirl, Mon-El was in his repaired escape pod, venturing into the unknown space. Poor Supergirl, she was heartbroken to witness her lover leave her forever...

Arrowverse reviews Part 1: The origins of Supergirl - S1

During these past few years, there had been DC comic related superheroes drama series- beginning from the pioneer of the series, (Green) Arrow Season 6, then the Flash S4 followed by Supergirl S3 and Legends of Tomorrow S3. Every season had around 20 episodes and there is a major crossover per season and 2 minor crossovers. My favourite Supergirl series, season 2, was recently showing on the Channel 5 television network.

Let's kick things off with the origin of Supergirl.
Let me take you back to the moment when the planet Krypton was disintegrating.
The great Mr. Zor-El tearfully forced his 14-year old daughter Kara Zor-El into a safe escape pod, imparting her with the responsibility to take care of her 2 year-old cousin Kal-El, who was in separate pod. So, the pods escaped planet Krypton. However, Kara Zol-El's pod was knocked off-course and got sucked into the PHAMTOM ZONE. Kal-El's pod landed safety on Planet Earth and adopted by the Kents, hence he became known as reporter Clark Kent aka "Superman". 24 years later, Kara Zor-El pod made its way to Earth and was rescued by Superman. However, this version of Kara was a 14-year old and Superman was 24 years old at the same time, which is why I emphasized the PHANTOM ZONE, the significance that it freezes time for whoever is trapped in it. In hindsight, Supergirl should have been the more senior, if not for the unforseen circumstance.

So Kara was adopted by the Danvers family with the recommendation of Superman. Papa Danver was involved in unlocking Superman's powers. Not much of Kara Danvers, aka Supergirl teenage life has been shown, except way later during Season 3 when they showed a flashback. Anyway, fast forward 10 years and Kara Danvers works in CatCo, a renowned news broadcasting industry. Her sister, Alex Danvers, was boarding a plane when the plane was in an accident. Kara Danvers saved the plane but in the process, was forced to reveal her powers to the world, and was born as.. Supergirl! As a result, Supergirl had to work in the secret agency known as the D.E.O, with a mission to counter evil alien threat (though Kara is an alien herself, she is good). Just to clarify, Supergirl resided in NATIONAL CITY (California area) while Superman was from METROPOLIS (New York area). Her sister also happened to work in the DEO as a secret agent.

The leader of the DEO was known as J'onn J'Jonzz, who was in fact the Green Martian, supposingly the "last Martian on Earth". In order to hide his identity, he shapeshifted into a human being named Hank Hankshaw, who he accidentally killed (lol). There was also a history with the White Martians but i will explain in a later part.

Anyway, as you can tell this is all I have to say for Season 1 as I did not follow this season closely and to me, it was the least exciting. In my opinion, season 1 was merely introducing Supergirl to the audience, nothing more. I cannot wait to elaborate further for Seasons 2 and 3 - i love S2 and S3, so stay tuned!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Weekend pokehunting part 2- good food and good lapras

Day 2 was Routine pokehunting, but my poke-Friend and I decided to reward ourselves with a hearty meal in chomp chomp. I was very excited as I never been there in ages. Anyway it was a fantastic spread of food - satay, chicken wings, carrot cake and not forgetting the beloved oyster omelette - TOP quality. We were not only enjoying the food but also Feasting our eyes on some seriously TOP quality chiobus. Bagus!

After that there was another alert, we were shocked to realise that a perfect IV lapras with good moveset just spawned at Bugis! As a result, we hurriedly gobbled our food and zoomed to Bugis. Fortunately, were were able to reach the location with 5 minutes to spare, and we successfully catch lapras Another fantastic day!

Looking back the past 2 days, we can take heart that we managed to catch the good rares. But it is even more satisfying to realise that we catch at the LAST MiNUTE.

I thank my Friend for this unforgettable experience and may we experience more of the same in future.

weekend pokehunting part 1- unown and chiobus (Hehe..)

When I watched back the Transformers movie yesterday, I saw how the main character approach a hot chic in his car and gave her a lift. I then thought to myself what could have been, the opportunity was presented in front of me and I squandered it..

Anyway these past 2 days had been Super fruitful. My Friend and I were poke-hunting as usual when there was an alert that shocked us all - UNOWN APPEARED!!!! Holy crap, we thought, we must redeem ourselves for the earlier missed opportunity. Thus, we zoomed off to sheares avenue. We had to make one big u-turn before parking by the road side. At the moment another enthusiatic auntie also stopped behind my car. After which we scurried to the unown location way inside Gardens by the Bay. Training for my upcoming IPPT, I Guess. When we reached unown we only left 1 minute lol. Super Heng! We were thankful for the cyclist who gave us directions to the unown. After successfully catching unown N, all of a sudden, another auntie ran in our direction, but by then, unown just disappeared! And she ubered taxi all the way from Simei to here! I feel very sad for her, but her auntie Friend consoled her.

Okay so when we were panting our way back to my illegally parked car, we got another pleasant surprise. Got two hot chics at the roadside near my car waiting for someone. I think my Friend was licking his lips with excitement, I'm not sure as I was staring at them and also salivating. As we were in the car for a good five minutes,  they were still there! As I wiped off my saliva, my Friend suggested that I should go talk to them to offer them a lift But I was too chicken and drove off. To be honest, if it was raining, I would have stood a higher chance of convincing them to sit in my car. But still, I didn't try. Regret Sia!

But anywayyy, we still managed to Chiong 15 lapras! So it was overall an excellent night!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

On an epic quest to become a Pokemon GO master!

Last Saturday midnight, I decided to take the family convertible for a spin. I caught a few brand new Pokémon from the Pokémon go app just to add to my pokedex, especially the much anticipated Feraligatr. However, this experience cannot compare to the one that I enjoyed tremendously with my good friend during 5th of March 2017, on a wonderful Sunday.

My friend had suggested to go Poké-hunting in the afternoon. I initially had my reservations. Firstly, my family might need to use the car. Secondly, Sundays are usually crowded due to less people having to work. However, since it was just my second time, I thought of YOLO and drove to my friend's house anyway, and it was a decision that I would never regret.

Much to my surprise, my friend had suggested to go to Tuas. He proudly said how his friend waited 3 hours for a Lapras. He also explained that rare Pokémon mostly spawn at ulu places like Tuas. I had never drove to Tuas before and was worried about the traffic, but I was freaking excited. Fortunately, the roads at Tuas were almost empty. Our strategy was really straightforward- my friend would diligently discover and plan the route for our target Pokémon via the trusty website sgpokemap, while I would follow his astute navigation and drive to the location asap.

Okay, so I caught like 13 new Pokémon during this super hell-yea epic journey. But I am just going to mention the prominent ones. First Pokémon caught was a Blastoise. This Pokémon was so rare I could only procrastinate during my early days of playing. OMG, what a start. I was pumped up for more. A few new Pokémon I really liked, such as Meganium, Arcanine, Larvitar.

Then came Mareep. This Pokémon left a relatively deep impression on me as we struggled to detect it. It was in some factory. I was so worried that we might have to resort to jumping over the fence, and the spawning time was running out. My friend assured me that our location had "overshot" and I just needed to reverse the car. It was nervewrecking but was worth it as we managed to catch Mareep..

Halfway through the perilous journey, I was super urgent and wanted to RUN, and not SKIP TO THE LOO. As you know Tuas is such a secluded place with no shopping centres, and I was afraid that I have to resort to urinating at the bushes. Out of the blue, I saw a totally random cubicle from a distance, thank GOD!

So after I did my business, I was driving towards the East. All of a sudden, I had never seen my friend so insanely excited before. As you know, my Pokémon go master friend had caught MANY Pokémon before, but one Pokémon in his Wanted list was MILTANK. He had detected this sacred Pokémon at the EXTREMEEE WEST END of the map, for the record, at Tuas South Boulevard. Without hesitation, I u-turned the car and headed West to the exact location. We whipped our handphones and got into swift action. Now my friend was super pumped. He could not contain his excitement after catching Miltank and hi-5ed me. We took a breather to savour the moment, after which realising that our journey had not ended - it had just began.

Next significant moment was Typholosion Pokémon. Of all places, it had to be at the end of a golf course all the way at Lornie Road. As expected, there were few other drivers who stopped there as well. Also, my friend had not caught this Pokémon before. I took some photos of my achievement and drove off. Another rare one "in the bag"!

Just when we were going to "pack our bags" and head home, my friend detected yet another MILTANK! Good, it was located at Mapletree Business City, quite near my friend's home. This time, there were more cars, around 7. The Pokémon community spirit is alive!

I caught several new Pokémon, but my friend was feeling very satisfied as well, so I was pleased. We bid farewell after four fruitful hours in the car.

A last note is that I am really thankful for my friend from the bottom of my heart. Without him, I will not have the motivation and enjoyment of playing Pokémon Go. I am just hoping for more epic adventures like the above.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Starting the year of 2017..

I am writing my blog as I am having my work day. That is how pathetic things have arrived. Anyway, work is absolutely sickening. That is simply no point any longer, enough said. I spent my precious time brainstorming a few analogies, thought that they are quite interesting hence I am recording in this blog, lest I forget like I usually do.

Anyway, the first goes like this: “I want to give up, you know like when solving a rubic’s cube. You tried to solve for several days and still no solution. And now you are still playing with it but realise that it will go nowhere. That kind of feeling?”

I then ranted on: “Or you know like a car in a roundabout? Always going round and not knowing that exit?” “Or you eventually found that exit but it is sealed to construction works? So what now? Of course, you will have to go round again!”

I thought that I would use SMS to vent my frustrations. Lest people can choose to read it or not, and not be distracted by my verbal complaints. I wonder where I got my inspiration from, it just happens. Really, I have no more encouraging words to say now, regarding work. I am in dire need of a psychiatrist to get myself together and relieve past memories, cause now I am in a serious decline, worse than the present Leicester City FC.

A pretty dark confession to make... may be taken down soon

 Oh my god, I have not written for almost 2.5 years. Mind blowing. At the point when I am writing this blog entry, I believe that I am defin...